We will be working on the Chuck Nohara quilt. Class size will be limited to 16 people. The class will be held off site from Cotton Factory.
Tuition and catering, drinks, coffee and tea are all included in your class fee.
Each participant will be required to purchase a copy of the Chuck Nohara book. We are working with the distributors and will have copies available for people, well before the class. Please let us know if you will require one.
Specific class requirements will be sent closer to the class date.
Spots will fill quickly, contact Alison to book in: http://cottonfactory.bigcartel.com/product/class-opal-essence-with-lorena-uriarte

Wingdings: A Variety of Symbols by Lorena Uriarte First Prize Sydney Quilt Show 2015 Red & White Category Commercially Quilted

A Symbol Recomposed – Lorena Uriarte, Maree Blanchard, Kerry Brack and Loloma Wren First Prize Sydney Quilt Show 2012 Group Category