Want to learn how to stitch kawandi? It’s a really relaxing and fun way to use up your fabric scraps.
This is the workshop for you… a class kit is supplied with everything you need to get started to make a small piece. Fabric, needle, batting, thread. Bring your favourite pair of scissors and a comfy thimble.
If you’ve already learnt the technique, make the super useful Retreat Bag. A kit is available with the pattern, frames, interfacing and zipper. There are two sizes to choose from. More information will be provided on enrolment.
The workshop cost is $110 and includes kawandi kit, lunch and morning/ afternoon tea.
Please advise if you have any special dietary requirements.
Plenty of parking is available, and the class size is small to allow for individual instruction time.
N95 masks will be available for anyone who needs one but please don’t come if you have covid symptoms. I’m testing regularly and I ask that students also test before class.
Contact me if you have any queries!
lorena (AT) lorenauriarte.com